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- Preparing to return to school after the Covid-19 lockdown
Preparing to return to school after the Covid-19 lockdown
Although some children have returned to school already, for many, the new autumn term will be their first time stepping into a classroom since lockdown began. Understandably, this may be a strange or worrying time for some children, parents and carers, and schools. We know that supporting children’s mental well-being during the return to school is a key priority. To help you, we’ve collected together lots of useful resources in this toolkit, all focused on making sure the return to classrooms in the autumn is a mentally healthy one.
Latest Government Guidance
Practising mindfulness over the summer break will help your child deal with any anxieties or worries when they return to school. This resource is a two-week calendar with a mindfulness activity suggested each day, which parents could use for the last two weeks of summer.
Help children create their own self-care plan for the summer holidays with this activity pack.
Parents can work through this table with their children to explore the things they may be worried about when going back to school, and ways to calm those worries.
In this short video, clinical psychologist Dr Jess Richardson shares straightforward suggestions for parents and teachers to deal with any potential apprehension or anxiety children may experience on returning to school. There is also an accompanying factsheet.
An important part of preparing to go back to school is to reflect on what has happened during coronavirus, as well as looking forward to the future. Parents can complete this simple activity sheet with their child to help them let go of things they may have missed out on during the lockdown.
This simple, illustrated e-book is ideal for parents of young children to explore what the return to school might look like, and help them feel more prepared.
Practising good self-care is another important way children can get ready for the return to school. This self-care kit has lots of ideas and activities for self-care for children, including mindful colouring, breathing exercises, an emotional check-in, a self-soothe box and more.
This poster features some simple top tips for helping children feel more ready to return to the school environment.