School Council
We are proud to announce our group of Winterbourne Boys’ Academy School Councillors for 2020-2021.
Our School Councillors are as follows:
Many congratulations on their election.
Our School Council consists of representatives from each class.
Our School Councillors are the voice for our pupils. They will be meeting regularly with the School Council Leader and they will be a pupil voice on what is going well in the school and what improvements they wish to make. Our School Councillors will also be meeting with members of staff, including the Headteacher, to ensure that they have an input in the development of our school.
Councillors go to meetings regularly and take part in discussions on a range of topics. For example, our pupils have drawn up ideas in the past for charity fundraising (through school discos and cake sales, which also became a 'Good to be Green' reward), and involved in the decision making for installing the astro-turf pitch in the playground, which has also been achieved.
Furthermore, they provide feedback on whether the school has improved in the different areas including behaviour, safety, lessons, school organisation and the playground. It is so far pleasing to note that the children have seen steady improvements in many different areas of the school from our latest consultation.
Winterbourne Boys' Academy School Councillors
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