Anti-Bullying Champions
We are proud to present the following pupils as Winterbourne Boys' Academy's Anti-Bullying Champions (ABC):
Qasim, Safad and Jeremy (4RG)Yusuf, Adam, Esaand Sehal (4DW)
Levi, Hamed and Mustafa (5MOL)
Hassan, Meet, Jacob and Safwan (5TC)
Jayden and Usman (6NS)
Utsav and Abel (6PE)
Our Anti-Bullying Champions are pupils fully trained to identify and report any incidents of bullying that come to their attention and are involved in the committee set up to monitor and address such issues should they arise.
A "bully-free zone"
In addition to our Anti-Bullying Champions, we have a "Bully Box" available in the reception area alongside the anti-bullying display board for pupils to post their comments or concerns.
Related Pages
- Anti-Bullying Champions
- WBA Podcasts
- After School Club
- Home Learning Resources
- Coronavirus Information
- Daily Timetable
- Mental Health and Well-being
- Websites
- You Tube
- P.E. with The Body Coach
- Art Resource Links
- Free Educational Subscriptions
- Free Language Learning
- Year 3 Home Learning
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Computing
- D&T
- Reading
- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Art and D&T
- Religious Education
- Humanities
- Reading
- Spanish
- Year 4 Home Learning
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Computing
- D&T
- Humanities
- Religious Education
- Spanish
- Art and D&T
- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Year 5 Home Learning
- Maths
- Science
- Reading
- English
- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Art and D&T
- Computing
- Spanish
- Religious Education
- Humanities
- Year 5 Summer Booster
- D&T
- Year 6 Home Learning
- Autumn 1
- Computing
- English
- Humanities
- Maths
- Reading
- Religious Education
- Science
- Spanish
- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Maths & Science Academy Home Learning
- House System
- Spelling Lists
- School Council
- Online Safety
- Year 6 Transition
- Preparing to return to school after the Covid-19 lockdown