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- Covid-19 Catch Up Premium
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Covid-19 Catch Up Premium
We recognise the challenges and the need to support our pupils as a result of the disruption to pupils’ learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 Catch-Up Premium Grant will be used for this purpose.
We have taken a bespoke approach to ensure that the additional support provided meets the needs of our pupils.
The amount for the Covid-19 catch-up grant received by the school for 2020-2021 is:
Schools are waiting for allocation information from the DfE for 2021-2022.
How the Catch-Up Premium will be utilised:
- Additional catch-up interventions outside of normal lessons.
- Holiday interventions.
- Small group or 1:1 tuition for targeted pupils.
- Additional deployment of support staff to further strengthen quality first teaching.
- Targeted counselling, mentoring and coaching.
How the effect of the grant on the educational attainment of pupils will be assessed:
Measure | Success criteria |
Engagement with learning activities and lessons | Improvement with attendance at school, at clubs outside of the classroom, and pupils able to adequately access the curriculum |
End of key stage outcomes | Increase in key end-of-key-stage outcomes, including progress and attainment measures |
Wellbeing of pupils | Positive feedback from pupil voice; increased engagement with school, interventions and the extra-curriculum; improved overall achievement of pupils |
Behaviour and behaviour for learning | Improved behaviour and BfL as measured by in-house behaviour data, and our CHABOP merit system |